AUO友达光电 - 全球光电解决方案领导厂商
AUO友达光电为TFT-LCD设计、制造及研发公司,2010年起连续入选道琼世界永续性指数成份股(Dow Jones Sustainability World Index),2018年合并营业额为新台币3,076.3亿元。目前公司全球员工达40,000人,营运据点遍布台湾、中国大陆、日本、新加坡、韩国、美国及欧洲等全球各地。
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延伸核心优势 跨足新事业领域 - 太阳能、大健康及循环经济
AUO友达以深厚的面板研发、制造经验为基础,开发高值化及差异化产品应用,以8K4K超高分辨率、量子点广色域、HDR超高动态范围、Mini LED背光技术、超高刷新率、超高亮度及低耗电等创新技术,打造可满足客户需求的高值化产品。同时也投入时尚外观设计,包括曲面、超薄、全平面无边框、极窄边框、异型切割等技术开发,展现面板极致的工艺美学。AUO友达致力于开发新世代显示技术,推出超高分辨率全彩主动式Micro LED显示技术、可挠式AMOLED显示技术,以及多指扫描指纹辨识技术等,营造更舒适便利的智慧生活。
AU Optronics - Global Leader in Optoelectronic Solutions
AU Optronics Corporation (AUO) was formed in September 2001 by the merger of Acer Display Technology, Inc. (the former of AUO, established in 1996) and Unipac Optoelectronics Corporation. In October 2006, AUO acquired Quanta Display Inc.
AUO is a global leader in optoelectronic solutions and now houses a staff of more than 40,000 throughout its global operations spreading across Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the United States, and Europe.
AUO generated NT$307.63 billion in sales revenue in 2018.
Boosting Value through the Interdisciplinary Application of Display Technologies
AUO’s complete line-up of Gen 3.5 to 8.5 production lines provides a full range of panel sizes and all types of display applications. AUO strives to be a provider of total solutions through its comprehensive portfolio of display technologies and diversified product combinations. We provide software and hardware system integration, customized products with high diversity and small quantities, stable and reliable quality, and smart services to create even greater value with our customers.
AUO boasts a strong R&D capability and large patent portfolio. Up to 26,200 patent applications have been filed by AUO as of October 2019 with more than 19,200 global patents approved to date.
Leveraging Core Expertise to Enter New Business Areas - Solar, General Health and Circular Economy
By leveraging the expertise in hardware solutions, AUO entered the green energy industry. AUO makes efforts in providing high reliability and premium quality solar solutions, including high-efficiency solar modules, all-round solar power plant service, and highly integrated service platform concerning energy management. With superior capabilities in management information system (MIS) for global operations, AUO’s collaborated with an eldercare center on developing internet of things (IoT) based smart health care solutions through tight hardware-and-software integrations. Meanwhile, AUO provides customers with sustainable solutions through the turnkey output of water treatment and intelligent control technologies with senior plant operation experience.
Embracing Sustainable Development for Business Excellence
Sustainable development is the goal of AUO. We embrace the highest standards in corporate governance, environmental sustainability, and social concern. The “AUO CSR Committee” was established in 2014 to implement the macro vision of corporate sustainability at every level. For corporate governance, AUO demonstrates its commitment to corporate governance principles by focusing on areas such as employee care, shareholder rights, business transparency, risk management, and timely disclosure. Since 2010, AUO has been named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for consecutive years. The AUO Green Solutions are realized throughout production processes, factory construction, energy recovery & reuse, and other areas. Taiwan's first locally designed and integrated process water full-recycling system was formally launched at AUO’s Lungtan site in 2015 as well. Social care at AUO includes the leveraging of our expertise in opto-electronics to support general science education, the formation of volunteer clubs at all Taiwan sites to help the disadvantaged, and encouraging employees to donate one day’s salary towards AUO Honest-Intelligent Scholarship. Such initiatives help share our corporate resources with the general public.
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